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Date: 2024-02-01

News Type: Marketing News


Smartkem is reshaping the world of electronics with its disruptive organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) that can drive the next generation of displays. Smartkem’s patented TRUFLEX® semiconductor and dielectric inks, or liquid electronic polymers, are used to make a new type of transistor that will revolutionize the display industry. Smartkem’s inks enable low temperature printing processes that are compatible with existing manufacturing infrastructure to deliver low-cost displays that outperform existing models. The company’s electronic polymer platform can be used in a number of display technologies including microLED, miniLED and AMOLED displays for next generation televisions, laptops, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets, smartwatches and smartphones.

Latest news of smartkem:

a. Smartkem announces collaboration with FlexiIC to develop low-cost, rapid turnaround custom circuits using organic transistor technology
b. Smartkem announces joint development agreement with Tianma
c. Smartkem microLED display paper published in leading science journal, Nature Communications

For this year, we have invited Steven Tsai from Smartkem to "International Micro/ Mini LED Display Conference 2024", to personally share "Low Warpage Solution for MicroLED Displays". Learn more at






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